Sunday, October 30, 2011


Spools woot, one of the S's really likes spools. she made this block as a test to see if she wanted to make a whole quilt out of it. I think she decided to add it to the maybe list. Will we see a whole quilt made out of this pattern here soon? Maybe we will wait and see. In the mean time here is another addition to the quilt shop hop quilt.We are making progress slowly but hey the turtle won the race right?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

More Dresdens

This quilt has a lot of Dresden plate blocks some of them like this one below is a mini Dresden. Look at how small the individual pieces are. Next photo op we will have to picture the mini Dresden with a coin to give some perspective.  

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oh the Kite Quilt!

I almost don't want to talk about this quilt. It brings back difficult memories. For starters, I thought it would be a great idea to do a paper piece type quilt without doing paper piece.

So, I hopped on my computer and made myself a pattern for kites. Then, I printed out the pattern, built like 4 kites, swore, yelled, and complained. Then, I realized the printer scaled my pattern and I was about 20% to small. So, those went in our extra pieces scrap bin and I started alllll over!

Since I wanted each kite to be different, I cut each piece separately. This took a very long time to complete but it was worth it. I think it turned out adorable. I embroidered little kite tails to each of the kites after I put the quilt together.

I would make the sky a little more plain to accent the kites if I did this again. I thought a pale shade of blue with different patterns would fade into the background but it didn't. Oh well. Lesson learned.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Whirly Gig

As part of the quilt shop hop the whirly gigs enter the finished block pile. That's right we have enough finished blocks to call it a pile. Go us. These are a little wonky right now but trim them iron them and they will be a perfect addition to the quilt. We are still debating on how to set all the squares. The last quilt shop hop we set with stripes in between the squares.   

Monday, October 10, 2011

An really Old Family Quilt

Well maybe just an old family quilt. Grandma J. made this quilt a long long time ago the 1940s  (I think, could be wrong about the date). This quilt was on family beds for years and now resides in the family vacation cabin still on family beds. Grandma J would not have won any quilting awards. Like herself her quilts were quirky. She was not a fan of the saying measure twice cut once. She was more of a measure, well guess the size cut and if it isn't the right size cut again or add another piece. It was a quilt you were making, you were going to sew it together anyway. If you look closely at the stars in this quilt you will see that not a single point matches quit right and all the squares are different. In fact I think the crazy quilt pattern was her favorite for making start. She made quite a few in this general pattern. And every one of them is fun, colorful and not quite perfectly square. Even After Grandma A. spend a long time in the 1960s trying to get the points to match up. Grandma A was a firm believer in the measure twice saying.