Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oh the Kite Quilt!

I almost don't want to talk about this quilt. It brings back difficult memories. For starters, I thought it would be a great idea to do a paper piece type quilt without doing paper piece.

So, I hopped on my computer and made myself a pattern for kites. Then, I printed out the pattern, built like 4 kites, swore, yelled, and complained. Then, I realized the printer scaled my pattern and I was about 20% to small. So, those went in our extra pieces scrap bin and I started alllll over!

Since I wanted each kite to be different, I cut each piece separately. This took a very long time to complete but it was worth it. I think it turned out adorable. I embroidered little kite tails to each of the kites after I put the quilt together.

I would make the sky a little more plain to accent the kites if I did this again. I thought a pale shade of blue with different patterns would fade into the background but it didn't. Oh well. Lesson learned.

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